Incremental Model : Software Engineering

  •  cost of implementing requirement change is reduced.
  • amount of analysis and documentation that has to be redone is significantly less.
  • easier to get customer feedback from software rather than judging progress from document.
  • customers are able to gain values of software earlier than that is possible from waterfall model.
  • incremental delivery means that software is used in real, operational process so user feedback is likely to be realistic.
Phases that run in cycle:
  1. Planning [Estimation, Scheduling and Risk Analysis]
  2. Modelling [Analysis, Design]
  3. Construction [Coding, Testing]
  4. Deployment [Delivery, Feedback]
  5. Communication

  • if developed quickly, not cost effective to produce documents that reflect every changes.
  • system degrade, messy codes accumulate as new increments are added.
